Monday, April 14, 2008

Mountain States Cup kicked it off this weekend in fruita. First official race of the season and it sure felt like it. The riding there is so spectacular that there's just not really any way to tell about it. Just miles and miles of trails in some really awesome country.

The courses did not disappoint. The tt on saturday consisted of a five mile loop with a steep climb at the beginning, followed by lots of twisty singletrack. and the xc on sunday was even better. a 20 mile loop with a mix of behind-the-rocks dirt roads, and classic fruita trails along a white rim like canyon.

unfortunately, the race sucked. Despite the rad scenery, having to share the course with several hundred other lycra clad, gu wrapper throwing, testosterone infused racers was a serious detractor. kinda like holding a big nordic race on zarlengos or antelope creek. it still surprises me how intense a 40 something year old expert guy in 20th something place can be when you're cruising along a canyon rim on a beautiful day. made me feel like sitting up and just riding (which is basically what i did anyways seeing as my legs felt absolutely terrible)

Ah well. more races to come. hopefully more fruita too.

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