Thursday, August 7, 2008

I must apologize for being rather delinquent with my writing. not a lot of motivation or opportunity lately as I have been across the atlantic for two weeks. It was a nice break from life, and a very different experience for me. Way too many people on that side of the ocean if you ask me, but that doesn't necessarily mean no fun. Got in some really cool hiking, riding, and views in the alps. But I'm glad to be back in colorado, downright desolate here. At least there's elbow room.

I will spare the stories, if i didn't i would be writing for several hours. We basically went to northern italy, then to chamonix, then up to paris. saw some museums and stuff in paris, and I don't have to do that for another sixteen years as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad i went, but next time, i will avoid the big cities.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words? well then heres at least a 27,000 word essay on my trip :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You'll have to try skiing in Euro-land someday. On a good snow year, it will blow your mind.