Wednesday, January 9, 2008


forewarning: if politics, or economics, etc. is either upsetting or boring, I would recommend doing yourself a favor and ignoring this rant.

So today, in my u.s. society class we had a conversation of some interest to me. basically we just talked about how screwed america is. while thats some what of a lighthearted generalization, serious shit is going down. look for example at the stock market. Rumor has it that the Countrywide financial(one of the largest home loan companies in the market) is filing for bankruptcy, and caused a major drop across the board. Not to mention the problems with citi group and washington mutual. All of this is piled on top of a housing market thats worse than the great depression. and thats not even the worst.
there's a severe surplus of labor, lowering wages, and increasing prices, basically the ingredients for stagflation and recession. bummer. credit card debit and arm loans aren't helping to solve any problems. and we're still paying taxes to fight a war that has been deemed by some of the leading government officials needless. public education is in a downward spiral, and americans' hard earned dollars are being lost in a murky mud-pile of bureaucracy and inflation. And yet our fine upstanding leaders in Washington continue to squabble over illegal immigrants, iranian speed boats, and campaign tactics.

I may be a sixteen-year-old kid. I haven't even finished high school. I'm not a financial analyst, and I dont have a degree in economics. Hell, I'm not even allowed to vote. But i can sure as hell tell the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, and bad and worse. With the elections coming on soon, we have a chance to derail this one-way-train-to-the-bottom, and still all around me i see people not wanting to take a stance in politics because someone looks weird, or has a bad haircut, or is a different religion. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE FUCKING COFFEE PEOPLE. Being given the right to vote is not a responsibility to be taken lightly. I have a lot of time left in this world (hopefully) and i dont want to see it fucked up before i have a chance to make a difference.

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