Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A new addition to the family?

Plans for a new baby are in the works. A Surly crosscheck may be on its way here. just in time for the season. Ive been wanting one of these bikes for a while, and I just found a frame at a suitable price. Considering the 9-speed build with a 39 x 11-25 but I'm not so fond of spending cash dolla on a set of those drop bar brake levers when all you need is one. Anyways, most of the parts from the soma will be parted from their frame to provide life for the new surly. A reincarnation of sorts.

School is back in session, with classes returning to a brutal barrage of b.s.p.n. However I got a sick new bolsa and a new camera to help let the mind wander.

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