two helpings of potatoes in the last two days. hard riding, trying to clear the bad out of my legs. up the switzerland yesterday. alone in the clouds, halfway up I hit the real moisture. pin pricks on the skin as up in to the grey fog i followed a sole other pair of tire tracks. exited early in favor of the most excellent route back down. chilly descent that made me glad I had thrown in the lobster mitts and an extra jacket. out to marshall mesa after that for a good 50+ mile day.
same route today, but in exchange for clouds and rain were bright sun and high temps. I have to say, I much preferred the rain. certainly not the same views, but theres less things to worry about when you're climbing in the fog. no big world out there, just the thirty feet around you. not as hot, not as loud, not as distracting, maybe you cant see very far, but you dont need to. everything is revealed just when you need it. popping out of the mist just long enough to register it's presence, and then it disappears behind you. Its also cool and fresh not to be suffering in the heat.
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