Monday, November 24, 2008

Simple Pleasures

Any day above tree line is, quite unassailably and by definition, a great day. (quote slightly modified) And the past few days, up in the mountains, only reinforce in my mind the role that high alpine plays in not only fitness, but life as well. Spending time in the mountains is, for me, something as essential as breathing air or drinking water. Absolutely a vice. The weeks that go by without some sense of adventure, most preferably in the crisp mountain air - whether on foot, bike, or ski, I become agitated, lazy, and bored. In short, i will take my time spent above treeline, because it is easily the most simple and elegant manner of achieving the "high" which too many people pursue in more transient matters, and I will continue to take that for as long as my bones will hold me up to reach the barren tundra.

And if you've had enough of the melodrama, take for example today's hike. The middle boulder creek area has become very familiar to me in the past month, but I do not tire from the repetition because the breeze and the jagged peaks overcome any sense of lameness, and even when you've hiked all the trails, there are still things to do. places to go. sights to see. Stellar company, and a ridiculous amount of hiking, nice to be with some folks that not only keep up, but push it.
And as always, photo dump:

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