Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I wont say that up until this year I've been a slouch in the kitchen, but I certainly was not much of a cook. However, and I'm not laying vast claims to greatness or eternal fame, the chicken enchiladas I made last night were very tasty. And the peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from this afternoon were not bad either. Healthy? no, but, I sure as hell ain't starvin', thats for certain.

Cooking is something that I do take a bit of pride in. Much like any other tangible forms of creation, such as knitting, there is something compelling about taking a bunch of items that would have no use otherwise, and using a bit of skill to create something that can bring comfort, joy, or simply contentedness. Cooking in this sense is still an operative word, because as much as I do not raise my own sheep to shear their coats and dye and spin their wool, I do not grow, harvest, and grind my own wheat to bake with. I don't even have an herb garden with which I can spice my own cooking. But, those are the final steps. When eating local is eating your food. It has to start somewhere though, and I say consciousness is where its at. Watch what comes home from the grocery, and watch what gets eaten. The next step is to cook each meal. Not adding milk to cereal, but taking the time to produce something of value. Something that makes you glad - or even proud - you are not wearing a loin cloth chasing squirrels. Thats where the recognition of food kicks in. That its not always the most efficient route, to take time to fry up some chicken, mix it up with corn tortillas, beans, green chili, jalapeƱos, and grated cheese, and bake it for an hour, but what good things in life arise from simplicity or laziness? Not these enchiladas, thats for sure. 

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