Saturday, October 9, 2010

A year and a month ago today, I walked into a bike shop in bozeman for the first time. After the requisite introductions between staff and patron, I started looking at a map and asking about rides. There was one ride that jumped out right away. Somewhere in the 30-40 mile range, easy over 7k of climbing. But when I pointed the route out, straight up, the immediate answer was a rejection on all grounds. No way, no how, even our strongest riders here would never do that, blah, blah, blah. As it turns out its a point to point affair, and last year I didn't have the motivation to put it together anyways, so it just never happened. But one thing stuck with me. I immensely disliked being told immediately that I should not even consider something like that, with no consideration of my experience or abilities. Now I'm not someone who holds lots of grudges, and I am not usually motivated by revenge, but something inside me has, since that day, wanted to do that ride. So tonight, shuttles are being lined up, pasta is being cooked, and bikes are being prepped for what is heralded to be a truly epic ride. Can't wait.

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