Monday, September 8, 2008

lots of stress and busy shit to have happen lately what with school starting and everything. this goddamned cold has had me couped up inside the whole last week, I was almost feeling better going up to the fall classic, which was by the way, a spectacular race. random and hectic and at times frustrating, but great riding, but i am afraid that the exertion may have ruined any hopes of a speedy recovery. thanks to 28 miles and like three and a half thousand feet of climbing i am now graced with a deep hacking cough that produces copious amounts of bright yellow phlegm. Lovely.
It was an enjoyable ride to school this morning, I love being out when the clouds cover the tops of the foothills. even through the fog of advil and decongestants. I wish I was up in sie bergen in the clouds, not stuffed into the box with other cases of sniffling misery.
I hear rumors of snow and fall, changing leaves and other treats, I think its a long ways off, but i don't doubt it either. but i suppose its schnoz on the grindstone until then. get er done

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