Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Rainy day

11°C, Rain. I think that it might be a wake up call when the highlight of your day is hoping that the school will flood. No riding today, too much homework, but really no motivation to ride. I'm still thrashed from this weekend, mentally and physically. might go for a night ride tomorrow, we'll have to see.

In case nobody reads offcamber, I encourage you to do so, now. He's got some really important stuff to say. Especially with all of the stuff going down in Wyoming. Really, I don't want to offend anyone that much, but look: the mentality of "Hey, we have enough money so that we can hire a helicopter to go shoot coyotes" is not good. I dont want to have to repeat myself, but this is the kind of stuff that only enforces the fact that the people in power right now are only making things worse. Mr. Nice had a good point the last time I went off. That it is not time to play the blame game, that action must be taken to instigate change. I see where he is coming from, and I dont think that I am playing the blame game. I just think that the people who are screwing stuff up need to be held accountable for the mess that they are making. So do something.

Mitch King, Regional Director
United State Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Mountain-Prairie Region
P.O. Box 25486 DFC
Denver, CO 80225-0486

I have a draft of a letter that I will send to governor Owens, as well as congressmen Salazar and Thomas to try and pressure Freudenthal to change his views on the delisting of the grey wolf.
Write a letter, read stuff, have some opinions, tell your friends, tell your friends to do something. Education is the most powerful tool to prevent bad stuff from happening. You have a brain, now use it. Hopefully before someone without one ruins it.


DV8 said...

Thanks for the call to action dude. And the beat goes on...check this wonderful piece of news: http://wolves.wordpress.com/2007/05/29/montana-to-capture-250-bison-for-slaughter-tomorrow/

Anyhow, your blog is your arena to do what you want with. Feedback and comments are simply opinions, and you know what they say opinions are like...

A balance between beauty and rage does a good blog make, I believe.

Jill Homer said...

I wish I had your passion, and I'm twice your age. Keep it up. You'll do great things.