Sunday, June 17, 2007

What a week

Not a whole lot of motivation to write lately, or time for that matter. The last week has been nuts, felt like I was moving at about 100mph for the entire thing. Lots of riding, and a race yesterday. Not to mention getting my permit, painting rooms, manicuring stupid fucking squares of Kentucky bluegrass, working, and oh yea... wondering how much trouble I would get into for drilling Mr. Sunny's Ice cream wagon with a few rounds from the 12 gauge in the garage. I think you get an idea of my sentiment for boulder right now. A tune by Mr. Eric Burdon and the Animals fits me quite well right now. I've been feeling really restless of late, not sure why, but the heat doesn't help. I really want to go into the mountains right now. but no such luck. This afternoon, I'll be leaving for the Springs and the United States Olympic Training Center for a week of riding, testing, training, etc. Then its off to CB for the race. whew. Yesterday, I did the second WP race. I blew up on the second lap and finished ok, 8th out of 13. I should have been two spots further up, but stopped to give some guy a hand, and got passed up. Oh well what can you do? I have to say, that while I do enjoy racing, there is something about trying to catch some guy in front of you, while choking down artificial glucose and your bpm's topping out at lactate threshold thats not quite as pleasant as getting lost at 10,000 feet with a map and a 32x17.

Heres some pictures of the week.

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