Thursday, July 19, 2007

Cenntenial Cone

Rode with the smba crew today down outside of golden gate on some very sweet, and relatively new singletrack. There has been a lot of hard feelings between the two junior biking programs in boulder. A lot of bs in my opinion that doesn't belong on here, but for whatever reason, I havent ridden with this particular group since mid-august last year. Anyways. It was cool to ride with them. A nice chill day to spin the legs out and get the heart beating. The trail was excellent. miles upon miles of smooth, twisty, rolling goodness.

Colorado weather was at its finest today. Started out looking like the storm of the century was about to befall us. And ended up with very hot, blue skies. Tortellinis and iced coffee made a terrific lunch. A good compliment to the trail, the views, and the ride in general.

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