Wednesday, July 18, 2007

West (and East) Mag

Spent the majority of yesterday wandering around the trails of west mag. Compared to the ridiculous heat of late, some cool (relatively) singletrack was a welcome change. Now, i realize that there are definitely way cooler places to ride up yonder, but habit trails were just about right yesterday. And if that makes me a stupid flatlander, then let that happen. I'm sure that the local force does not appreciate 9 people in spandex, 7 of which with 27 times more gears than i. But sure as hell its nicer than eagle fucking trail.

We eventually made our way out along some techy stuff east of freak to freak, and ended up at some very nice lunch rocks. Strawberry cheesecake and perrier, courtesy of b&f made lunch quite enjoyable.
However the food induced stupor settled in and made the spin out on mag feel like I was trying to ride up Aconcagua. Hurt so good.
Hagen-daz back in boulder helped to cool off.

1 comment:

DV8 said...