Thursday, July 5, 2007

Firecracker 50

27° C, cloudy and hot. Its been a bit of a rough week so far, not for any particular reason, especially considering the fact that I havent done much more than ride my bike. I'm feeling more tired now than I usually do, I think because its so hot. I stayed inside all day today, just trying to avoid the blistering heat. But, the days are getting shorter, and ski seasons getting nearer. Trailers for all the new movies are out. Check out Trailertime07 on the Free skier site. Get pumped for the coming snow. I know its a long ways off, but its a comin.

Yesterday I was up in Breck for the Firecracker Fifty bike race. Normally I would have done the whole thing, but opted instead for a team shot. 25 miles each, which was plenty enough for me. Since i went second, I had a chance to watch the likes of Jay henry and Ryan Trebon come through. The amount of power those guys can put out is insane. Any ways. The course was sweet, not quite as cool as the silver rush, but way more singletrack. We ended up in second, right behind another junior team from SC in the Expert men Teams. Which was sweet because the total age of all four people in the top two teams was around 60.

I just started reading Desert Solitaire, which I have no doubts will be good. And Mr. Abbey will be accompanying me for a weekend in Winter Park for racing and riding. Also, something completely unrelated, does anyone know if hard hats are safety approved for bicycle riding?


DV8 said...

Good luck up there. Let's ride something next week.

Scott said...

young buck.

if you dig the writings of mr. lightcap, move along to black sun after you finish up desert solitaire.

